
Invisalign is a way to straighten crooked teeth without the traditional metal bars and brackets of braces.


Invisalign is a way to straighten crooked teeth without the traditional metal bars and brackets of braces. This modern, revolutionary approach to orthodontic services uses custom made aligner trays that gradually shift your teeth into place. This comfortable, clear, and discreet teeth straightening method moves your teeth over time without the pain of traditional braces. On a regular interval, you replace your aligner trays with new ones until your treatment is complete and you are left with a beautiful confident smile!

After Dr. Abrew evaluates your mouth and determines if you are a good candidate for Invisalign, you will have x-rays taken and impressions of your teeth made. From these x-rays and impressions, a digital 3-D image is generated which allows us to map out a teeth straightening treatment plan for the movement of your teeth. From these 3-D images, your clear, custom made aligner trays are fabricated specifically for you. You will wear them throughout the day and night, removing them only to eat and clean your teeth. Over time the aligner trays gradually move your teeth into position.


  1. The aligner trays are removable, so you can easily eat without the limitations of traditional braces.
  2. Invisalign is descreet. The trays are nearly invisible and most people will not even know you are wearing them.
  3. You can easily remove the aligner trays to clean them as well as your teeth. Maintaining good oral hygiene is important.
  4. The aligner trays are smooth and comfortable with little to no irritation.
  5. You will get a beautiful, confident smile without the complications of wearing metal braces.

Call us Today to get schedule your Invisalign consultation!

Leave your worries at the door and enjoy a healthier, more precise smile

We invite you to come see us! Whether it is a first time dental appointment or you simply want a free consultation, we look forward to meeting and taking care of you.


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